About the Blog

Blog Science Technology là blog chia sẻ các vấn đề mới nhất về các tiến bộ khoa học công nghệ từ các bài viết trong Blog của giáo sư John Vũ, đại học CMU (Carnegie Mellon University)

John Vu


Director, Biotechnology Innovation and Computation
Distinguished Career Professor
School of Computer Science

John Vu is the Director of the M.S. in Biotechnology Innovation and Computation program as well as Distinguished Career Professor in the School of Computer Science. John was a Chief Engineer and Technical Fellow (retired) at The Boeing Company where he led several successful programs including the integration of computer design systems for the 777, IT integration into Lean Manufacturing and various company wide software improvement initiatives. John has over 35 years of experience in software and systems development and has managed several large-scale integration programs in which the final products required the integration of in-house components with commercial off-the shelf products and outsourced suppliers.
John has participated in the development of several Capability Maturity Models (CMMIs) at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and authored the software e-commerce model and the procurement model. He was a member of the IEEE Software Industry Advisory Board and has written many books and articles on software project and program management.
John received master’s degrees from CarnegieMellonUniversity and the University of Nevada in addition to undergraduate degrees from OhioUniversity and SeattlePacificUniversity. He is also a lecturer at Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, SeattleUniversity, the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and TsinghuaUniversity.


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